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Thursday, June 13, 2024

K-5 Core Program Review and Implementation Plan
June 2024

DLLT Meetings

Since the last update, a lot has happened!  On May 9th the DLLT met and held a debrief regarding the last curriculum we reviewed, which was Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA).  We debriefed regarding what our findings were when we reviewed all the materials related to this program.  

On May 14th, 16th and 21st, the DLLT members attended three different “Publisher Roundtables and User Panels”.  We were able to hear from each of the publishers from the three programs:  Into Reading, My View and CKLA.  We were also able to hear from educators who are currently using one of these three programs, and ask questions regarding their experiences in the field using these programs.  

On May 23rd the DLLT met for the last time.  We met for over two hours, and looked at the ratings created on the measurement tool, which provided a quantitative view into the scoring for each of the three programs.  We also were able to discuss which element of a program was most important to us in Bedford, and we discovered that writing, and phonics were the two top priorities for us in adopting a new program.  Lastly, we were able to hear from each member of the DLLT on which program they thought would be best for our students, then we participated in  a silent ballot vote, and selected, overwhelmingly CKLA!

On May 28th, Dr. Clifford presented to the school committee the selection process, and final decision, and merits of CKLA for our students in Bedford.  Andrea Salipante, ELA Curriculum Coordinator for K-5, presented the implementation plan for the district.

District Implementation Team

During the past year we had a District Literacy Leadership Team (DLLT), this was a group of K-5 educators, administrators and parents.  Now transitioning into implementation, and not adoption of a program, we have created a K-5 District Implementation Team (DIT).  This group is composed of K-5faculty members.

The following faculty members are part of the District Implementation Team for 2024-2025:

Lynn Armstrong Ann Hamel-Webster LoriAnn O’Brien     

Hannah Bullard Emma Heslop Kim Petersen         

Kristen Enneguess Jess Hoey     Courtney Roy         

Kirstie Foley Jamie Love     Andrea Salipante   

Deb Griffin Johnna Mangan     Jackie Smith

Nicole Grimes Jocelyn Mason     Brittany Stanley

Stacey Williams        Tricia White     Julie Sutton

Jenn Wayne-Bartlet

The implementation team will begin their work this summer during three days when they convene to prepare for the year, during those three days the outline of the work will be as follows:

Summer Day #1:

  • 3-hour training from publisher to begin unpacking grade-level kits

    • Guidance regarding how to attack each unit which includes a template and/or protocol for our work

    • Overview of components including management 

    • Taking place at Lane School

    • Organize with the facilities department regarding the arrival of materials/prep and distribution of materials

  • Using information gleaned from the publisher training, grade-level teams will begin work in their respective Unit 1, focusing on the layout of each lesson and beginning discussion of  “must-do’s” vs “may do's”

  • Begin work on making a unit guide for each grade level 

  • Homework: closely examine Unit 1 components and be prepared to create a guide

    • including videos and support resources

  • At end of day, communicate with administrators and grade level teachers the work that was done over the course of the day

Summer Day #2:

  • Create a K-2 and a 3-5 lesson guide/slideshow and pacing guide that takes into consideration a close look at the school calendar and assessment calendar, and includes the First Days of School work

  • At end of day, communicate with administrators and grade level teachers the work that was done over the course of the day

Summer Day #3:

  • Finalize a plan for how each grade level will share the Implementation Team Summer 

work and general information regarding materials and distribution

  • At end of day, communicate with administrators and grade level teachers the work that was done over the course of the day

Monthly Consulting Time with Hill for Literacy

As you can clearly see there will be a lot of work to do this summer, and we are looking forward to getting this work completed so that when we begin the school year, we will be ready to dig into CKLA in the K-5 classrooms. We discovered that districts that continued their consulting work with Hill for Literacy had a deeper understanding of their program, therefore, we will continue to work with Hill for Literacy during the 2024-2025 school year, and our time with them is outlined below:

District Admin Meetings (10 in total)

  • Oversight of partnership and problem-solving implementation issues

K-5 Literacy Implementation Team Meetings (10 in total)

  • Oversee implementation of the new core program to build internal capacity to support the implementation of tiered instructional models

  • Build capacity to support the implementation team to lead grade-level meeting

Coaches Meetings (10 in total)

  • Develop implementation tools that support consistent implementation of the components of the new core program

Implementation-Coaching Support (5-coaching days per school, 10 in total) 

  • This will be support provided at the school and classroom level, to help facilitate/guide/problem solve, as the lessons are being implemented, in real-time.

Looking at the beginning of school specifically, we are planning on utilizing professional development days during the year to focus on continued professional development for teachers, this would include August 29th, and the November and March professional development days.  

I want to thank the members of the DLLT for all of their hard work and dedication. 570 collective volunteer hours went into selection of the new literacy program, this included parents and educators, thank you again!!!

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

District Literacy Leadership Team (DLLT) Update - April 30th

The District Literacy Leadership Team (DLLT) has met five times during the past four months: January 25th, February 15th, February 29th, March 21st, and April 11th. We have currently completed Round 1 which was a review of Into Reading, and Round 2, My View.  We are currently involved in Round 3, which consists of reviewing Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA).

District Literacy Leadership Team Agenda, April 11, 2024
Review Tool Completion for Round 2 Review of  (Program B) My View

We broke into our three groups (Red Group:  Phonological Awareness, Phonics, and Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Education.  Yellow Group:   Fluency, Vocabulary, Motivation and Engagement, Listening and Speaking.  Blue Group:  Instructional Design, Comprehension, Assessment, Writing).

We discussed our ratings, and entered them into the larger rubric/database.  We also met as a larger group and shared our overall impressions.

Referencing the Hill for Literacy Review Tool:

This document follows the sequence of instruction that should occur from kindergarten through fifth grade for a  comprehensive literacy program.  A comprehensive literacy program is expected to incorporate the components of reading and writing identified by the National Reading Panel (phonological/phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension and writing).  In addition, the tool includes the elements of instructional design, assessment, professional development, motivation and engagement, culturally responsive/sustainability education and listening and speaking.

Round 2 Debrief of the Review Process
The entire DLLT broke into four different groups, where we shared our insights and learnings about the process, identified stumbling blocks and brainstormed solutions and then we shared out to the entire group.

Round 3 (Program C)  Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) Review Process

We began the review of the next program, CKLA.   We reviewed the rubric, and how to access the resources.  We have resources at Lane and Davis, along with the online tools.

Remaining DLLT Meetings:
May 9th: Debrief Round 3
May 14th, 16th and 21st: Publisher Roundtables and User Panels, via zoom
May 23rd: Review processes and make recommendations for next steps
(May 28th School Committee Meeting)

Thank you again to the members of the DLLT, they are putting in a great deal of time and effort to examine the programs, and be prepared to discuss their findings at each of our meetings.  May will be a busy month!

Monday, April 1, 2024

District Literacy Leadership Team (DLLT) April 2024

The District Literacy Leadership Team (DLLT)  has met four times during the past three months: January 25th, February 15th, February 29th and March 21st. In the previous Assistant Superintendent’s Blog, I outlined what the focus of our first two DLLT meetings were.   The following information outlines the work we conducted during our February 29th and March 21st meetings.

February 29th  DLLT Meeting
At our meeting on February 29th, each of the six subgroups shared out with the entire group the programs they reviewed. Each subgroup had a specific program to review, those programs included: Wit and Wisdom, EL Education, Wonders, Into Reading, My View, Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA).  The Pros and Cons of the six programs were shared with the entire group.  We were all able to hear about the programs, which was extremely helpful.  From there, our group was able to whittle down the programs from six to three.  We then turned our focus on three programs:  Into Reading, My View and CKLA.

We were led through the review tool by Hill for Literacy.  The tool was comprehensive-each of the three programs we are reviewing will each be held up to a review tool, that is composed of several larger categories, with specific criteria listed under each category.  The larger categories consist of: Phonological Awareness Instruction, Phonics Instruction, Fluency Instruction, Vocabulary Instruction, Comprehension, Writing Instruction, Instructional Design, Assessment, Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Education, Motivation and Engagement, Listening and Speaking.

Each member of our DLLT was assigned to be a reviewer in one of three groups:  Red Group which focuses on phonological awareness, phonics, and culturally responsive and sustaining education.  Yellow Group, which focuses on fluency, vocabulary, motivation and engagement, listening and speaking.  Lastly, the Blue Group, which looks at instructional design, comprehension, assessment, and writing. 

At the end of this particular meeting, we focused on the first program we would review which was, Into Reading.  The groups got together, reviewed the resources for this program, and began their work.

March 21st  DLLT Meeting
After having a few weeks to review Into Reading, the three groups met and discussed their review of Into Reading.  We discussed our ratings, and entered them into the larger rubric/database that we’ve been using to capture our impressions of the programs. 

The entire DLLT broke into four groups, where we shared our insights and learnings about the process, and identified stumbling blocks and brainstormed solutions and then shared them out to the entire group.  

At this point in our meeting we began to focus on the next program that we needed to review which is My View.  We watched an introductory video on the program, and reviewed the rubric again, and also how to access the resources for this specific program.  

Our next meeting is on April 11th, where we will meet again, and share our findings regarding My View.

The members of the DLLT are spending a great deal of time and effort reviewing the programs!   This work is greatly appreciated! 

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

District Literacy Leadership Team (DLLT) March 2024

The District Literacy Leadership Team (DLLT) has met twice during the past three weeks, once on January 25th and again on February 15th. 

January 25th DLLT Meeting

During the meeting on January 25th the DLLT started off our meeting with team introductions (approximately 30 members), and establishing meeting norms. We also discussed the BPS District Literacy Plan, and developed our own ideas around a shared vision for the work of the DLLT. 

Most importantly, at this initial meeting, we established why were were looking at implementing  a new K-5 literacy program in Bedford, which included discussing our focus on Goal 4: Core Curriculum and Instruction from our BPS District Literacy Plan, which outlines consistency in Tier I, and differentiated literacy instruction, and a clear scope and sequence for literacy too.

The Hill for Literacy, which is the group that we have consulted with and are orking with during all of our DLLT meetings, outlined information regarding the Science of Reading, and High-Quality Instructional Materials.  We also discussed the programs that we would review during the next few meetings, and the criteria we would use to narrow down our review to potentially three literacy programs to review extensively.

At this point in our meeting we broke into six smaller groups, and we spent the remainder of our meeting reviewing the following programs (each group was assigned one of the following programs to review), and noting various elements of each of the following programs:  

-Core Knowledge Language Arts

-EL Education

-Into Reading

-My View

-Wit and Wisdom


February 25th DLLT Meeting

At the February 15th DLLT meeting, we continued our initial review of the six programs, by working in our small groups, reviewing the materials, and discussing information and populating our shared document.  We also discussed the process related to narrowing down our choices from six programs to three, which we will do soon, and then conduct a more in depth investigation of each of the three programs, with every member of the DLLT reviewing each of the remaining three programs.  

As our progress continues, there will be more updates provided.  At this point both teachers and administrators are completing Science of Reading modules, and the DLLT continues to meet and will meet several times throughout the next three months, culminating with a recommendation to the school committee for the purchase of a K-5 Literacy program on May 28th.

Photos from our DLLT work at the Lane School, where DLLT members reviewed program materials, and discussed the core program review process.                   

Friday, January 26, 2024

District Literacy Leadership Team (DLLT) January 2024

 During the fall and early winter a lot has happened in the world of literacy for Bedford Public Schools.  This past November, we were able to present an update to the school committee circling back to the update provided on literacy in June 2023. 

In particular, the school committee was updated on how Goal 4:  Core Curriculum and Instruction (Action Step 1:  Consistency in core, Tier I literacy instruction will be created at all grade levels.  Action Step 2:  Core, Tier I literacy instruction will be differentiated at all grade levels.  Action Step 5:  A clear scope and sequence for reading and writing in the content areas will be created, using a common template for curriculum mapping.) would be addressed this year in our district.  We were able to outline a very specific plan, to address Goal 4.  This includes:

  • Forming a District Administrative Team (DAT) to work with Hill for Literacy which is a group that is consulting with us to address this goal.  The DAT is composed of a small group of district leaders.

  • Forming the District Literacy Leadership Team (DLLT). This is a group of  30 parents, administrators and teachers who are meeting several times over the next few months to do a core program review, with the consultation of Hill for Literacy.  This group will look at several High Quality Instructional Material (HQMI) based programs, and select one to recommend for purchase this spring, to utilize fully in all classrooms K-5 starting in September 2024.  

  • Both teachers and administrators (primarily K-5) will all participate in a 10-Module course in the Science of Reading provided by Hill for Literacy, to be completed by August 31, 2024.  

The District Literacy Leadership TEam (DLLT) met for the first time, last night, January 25th, at the Lane School.  Even though the meeting began at 3:45 p.m. and went until 5:45 p.m., after a very busy day for all of the participants-the energy in the room was positive, and energetic.  The members of the DLLT were very engaged in learning about the process that they would undertake to make the core program selection.  As we worked through the process timeline, and activities as a preview-we also participated in capturing what our vision collectively is for excellent literacy teaching.  We also engaged in group work in reviewing programs, and evaluating systematically, as led by Hill for Literacy on our impressions of various programs based on important criteria for  HQIM program.  

The hard work and total engagement was clearly observable while the groups were working yesterday afternoon.  They dug in immediately, were earnest, and diligent in their work-with the students at the very core of everything they were thinking about and discussing.  As the spring progresses updates will be posted here on the Assistant Superintendent’s blog, and also updates will be provided at school committee meetings.

Oftentimes, big undertakings like selecting a curriculum program can seem daunting, overwhelming, and difficult-this was not the case yesterday, the feeling was of excitement, optimism, and collaboration.


Tricia Clifford, Ed.D

Assistant Superintendent of Schools