January 25th DLLT Meeting
During the meeting on January 25th the DLLT started off our meeting with team introductions (approximately 30 members), and establishing meeting norms. We also discussed the BPS District Literacy Plan, and developed our own ideas around a shared vision for the work of the DLLT.
Most importantly, at this initial meeting, we established why were were looking at implementing a new K-5 literacy program in Bedford, which included discussing our focus on Goal 4: Core Curriculum and Instruction from our BPS District Literacy Plan, which outlines consistency in Tier I, and differentiated literacy instruction, and a clear scope and sequence for literacy too.
The Hill for Literacy, which is the group that we have consulted with and are orking with during all of our DLLT meetings, outlined information regarding the Science of Reading, and High-Quality Instructional Materials. We also discussed the programs that we would review during the next few meetings, and the criteria we would use to narrow down our review to potentially three literacy programs to review extensively.
At this point in our meeting we broke into six smaller groups, and we spent the remainder of our meeting reviewing the following programs (each group was assigned one of the following programs to review), and noting various elements of each of the following programs:
-Core Knowledge Language Arts
-EL Education
-Into Reading
-My View
-Wit and Wisdom
February 25th DLLT Meeting
At the February 15th DLLT meeting, we continued our initial review of the six programs, by working in our small groups, reviewing the materials, and discussing information and populating our shared document. We also discussed the process related to narrowing down our choices from six programs to three, which we will do soon, and then conduct a more in depth investigation of each of the three programs, with every member of the DLLT reviewing each of the remaining three programs.
As our progress continues, there will be more updates provided. At this point both teachers and administrators are completing Science of Reading modules, and the DLLT continues to meet and will meet several times throughout the next three months, culminating with a recommendation to the school committee for the purchase of a K-5 Literacy program on May 28th.